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Select plastic mold to note three matters

Editor:    Click: 29   Date: 2014/3/26   ¡¾Large Middle Small¡¿


Is a plastic mold for compression molding , extrusion , injection molding, blow molding and low- foam molding modular plastic mold. It includes plastic mold die combination of substrate , die components and die combination of card board and other components. We choose plastic mold , they also need to pay attention to some issues . Here 's look at the need to pay attention to what matters .

First, focus not just on product design, plastic mold manufacturing ignored .

Some users in the development of products or new product trial , often the initial focus only on product research and development , neglect to communicate with the plastic molding units. After the initial product design to determine that early contact with the mold maker has two advantages :

1 , can guarantee the design of products have good forming process , not because parts are difficult to process and modify the design type .

2 , mold making only do the design in advance to prepare , prevent ill-considered haste , affect the duration .

3, the production of high-quality plastic mold, only closely with both supply and demand , in order to ultimately reduce costs , shorten cycle.

Second, do not just look at the price , from the quality, cycle time , service -round consideration.

1 , many types of mold can be broadly divided into ten categories . Depending on the requirements of the part material , the physical and chemical properties, mechanical strength, dimensional accuracy, surface finish, life, economy, etc. , to select a different type of mold forming .


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